Sophia is passionate about self awareness, alignment, movement and connection. She discovered yoga as a way to channel each of these aspects into the present moment. As a teacher of Yoga, she acknowledges how unique each and every body is and holds space for others to explore their own mind, body and spirit.
Sophia completed a Diploma in Yoga at Wellpark College which heightened her interest in different non-physical and physical aspects that contribute to health and well-being. This led her to the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) where she completed her training as a Health Coach. As a learning enthusiast, Sophia continues to deepen her knowledge through both internal and external inquiry. She is now a Yoga New Zealand registered teacher (+ REPs), a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, and Reiki Master Energy Healer.
Through her experience, Sophia has developed an understanding of the interconnectedness that exists within life and she brings this approach into both her personal and shared practices. Her approach to teaching is gentle and slow, focusing less on how the body looks and more on how it feels. Within her offerings Sophia includes teachings from the Law of Attraction to encourage the ideas of openness, empowerment and living with intention.

We all experience obstacles in our lives, that is simply part of our life experience. However, we do have power within ourselves to shift how we perceive what we experience. The challenging times in our lives are what help us learn and grow; without them we would not be who we are today. By learning to work with these challenges, rather than against them, we allow ourselves to see the beauty in life.
The power we have is the power we share.
We all have our own path, yours different from mine. We are also at different stages on our path. But there is something we all have in common:
We all want to feel good in our body, mind, emotions, and spirit. We all want to look out into the world and feel at peace with ourselves and our lives. We all want to feel love, joy, safety, clarity, and abundance. Your journey to getting there may look different from mine, or from the person next to you, and that is what makes each life so special and unique.
In our essence, we are all pure.
Reiki level l
Reiki level ll
Reiki Masters
Diploma in Yoga (700+ hours) - Wellpark College
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach - Institute of Integrative Nutrition
Certificate in Business - Massey University
Certificate in Science - Massey University
Currently studying: Bachelors in Communication - Massey University