Inner Child Healing Meditation

Reconnect with your inner child in this 20 minute meditation and heal through forgiveness, love and compassion.

You will be guided to access a younger version of yourself and given the gift of rewriting the story that has influenced how you see the world and kept you from embodying the version of you that feels free!

Meditation Practice Guide

Learn how to connect to your body and your intuition through meditation. In this guide I offer you different mediation exercises for you to try. It includes a checklist and a intention setting exercise.

Learning the Law of Attraction

Learn more about the Law of Attraction (LoA) and how to apply it in your life.

A series of PDFs with with writings on a topic relating to the LoA, including emotional wellbeing, expectations, getting what you want and more…

Intentions, Achievements, Reflections Workbook

Live with intention and appreciate all your life has to offer. This workbook offers a years worth (over 80 pages) of intention and reflection exercises for you to work through each month. This is an invitation to allow in the reality you desire and experience the purity within your life.

Use the workbook as is or to inspire you to create your own intention and reflection practice.

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